Thursday, January 10, 2013

14 Month Blurb


Here's a quick blurb about 14-month Quinn:
  • She understands us when we tell her things. I told her to get her Snow White Little Person figure (one of 12) and put it in a box she'd found in recycle. She actually did it and I was so shocked and proud!

  • She is starting to do a little whiny fit if she doesn't get her way or if we are doing something she doesn't like. She also has become a pro at shaking her head  "no" but isn't saying it quite yet. She hates when we wipe her face or nose, getting something taken away, getting in the car seat, driving in the car for more than 15 minutes and not getting picked up when she wants to be held.
  • Changing diapers is one of my least favorite things now that she is like wrestling an alligator. I try to find a new toy or book to entertain her every time I put her on the changing table.
  • Quinn is a dancing queen and the "cabbage patch" is her favorite move. She loves Yo Gabba Gabba.
  • She is so grown up now and she likes to carry a purse. She grabs it and says "bye bye" while she carries it on her arm.

  • She's started singing with us. She likes "Twinkle Twinkle", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". 
  • She's getting a little pickier about food and she isn't shy about showing us she doesn't like things.
  • Her bed squeaks when she moves and the funniest sound in the world is when she's holding on to the side of the crib jumping up and down in the bed. Oh dear.
  • Little. Miss. Independent. That's all I can say.
  • She points to things and knows what they are called. Unfortunately, most things right now are "dada". Wedding photos of Jeremy and myself include "dada and dada". Photos of other people (unless it's Pawpaw or Papa D) are dada. She says mama when she's whining, so that's awesome. She has started trying to say Allison when she sees a random photo of Allison, Jill and me on the fridge.
  • Quinn is finally getting hair and I can sort of put it in a pony tail!
  • She's tall and skinny and weighed 24lbs. at the doctor last week.
  • God bless Jeremy for living with two hormonal girls. You just never know what kind of mood we will wake up in. HAHA!

  • She thinks talking or doing FaceTime on the phone is hilarious. She loves seeing herself on the screen.
  • Quinn has a second home at Nannie Mae and Papa D's. She stayed over there last Saturday night so Jeremy and I could re-live our babyless days by eating dinner after 6pm with some of our best friends. We even went to a different place for dessert and got home at 11:30. I know...we're getting crazy.


Well, that's all I can think of for now. Time is flying and I can't seem to keep up. Quinn's infant teacher at school used to pick her up and hold her every time I dropped her off and she'd always say "Oh I love you preciosa...don't grow." I feel the same way. Stop growing so fast...don't grow!



The Houses

Yo Gabba Gabba?! Quinn must "like to dance!" Haha - Joel McHale used to always make fun of that show on The Soup. Too funny! We need to Skype again with Q so she can get a kick out of herself on the computer and learn our names. :)