I've decided to keep doing monthly updates on Quinn (when I have time), but I'm thinking they will be a little shorter than the ones from her first year of life. I'm finding I have less and less time to do stuff with working full-time, keeping up with a toddler, leading our community group, serving at Mother's Milk Bank and trying to be a good wife. So here we go...13-month update:
Sweet Toddler Quinn,
You are doing so many fun things right now! Daddy and I get so much joy from you and we love you so much! You make us laugh daily and you also keep us on our toes w/ your little mood swings. You have started to pick up on things SO FAST and you are learning so much right now. It's amazing! Here are some fun things you are doing now.
You are all over the place. You hold your little arms up and take off w/ your feet still turned slightly outward. It's so dang cute!! You are so proud of yourself and when you turn, it's almost like a pivot. Baby steps are so, so sweet. Ella better watch out now!
Books. That's pretty much it. You will play w/ other stuff for a bit, but you always go back to the books. Smart girl! You also like to just get into things that you aren't supposed to. Oh dear...so it begins.
New Class
You are officially in your new class at school and you love it! Your new teacher Miss Emily loves having you in there and you are taking a nap on your cot, going outside twice a day and you have even had two physical incident reports (you just fell down a couple of times). For some reason, that made me feel like you are so much older!
Talking/Sign Language
You are talking a lot more and imitating us more. You've also been signing more and sometimes Daddy and I have to Google baby signs to figure out what you are saying. The most recent is "butterfly" but you also like to do "hat", "hot", "school" and of course "more" and "please." You do it close to your lap so it looks a little different but that's definitely what you are doing. They teach you so well at school! Talking: You like to say "ready Freddy". The first time you did it, Daddy and I died laughing. You also say "Ho, Ho, Ho", "ball", Etta (Ella), PawPaw, you make all sorts of animal noises (the funniest being the pig snort), you call one of your books "Cocka" because it has a rooster and that's your favorite page and you are always saying "ohhhh" in a loving tone when you see dogs, stuffed animals or baby dolls. You also like to sing songs like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Santa Claus is Coming to Town.
You tend to be a little piggy when you eat. You stuff your face and always ask for more with your sign language. The doctor said you might start eating less and I am seeing that a bit at dinner, but for the most part you love to eat. Your faves are: blueberries, PB sandwich (cut up in little bites), beans of any kind, chicken, cheese, broccoli, carrots, peas, banana, pasta w/ sauce and of course plain Cheerios. I haven't given you Goldfish a lot because I want you to like real food more, but I have a feeling you will start getting them more as you get older. Sometimes all you need is Goldfish to stop a diva fit!
Mood Swings
Speaking of diva fits, you are one moody girl. You can be peachy and happy one minute and then the next minute the world is ending and you are on the floor crying. My goodness. This mostly happens when you are tired, hungry or in the car. You still hate the car and sometimes Mama and Daddy almost lose their minds on longer drives when you scream the whole way. We are going to have to figure that out. We mostly try to drive when you will sleep.
You were throwing a fit in the car and you took your shoe off...you were trying to get it back on.
Happy Happy Girl
Despite the mood swings, you are such a happy baby. You wake up happy and you love seeing Mama and Daddy in the morning. You also love coming home or going downstairs to see Ella. You are giddy when you are walking around getting into things and you're so proud of yourself.
Christmas Season
This season is so amazing and special to share with a child. You love the Christmas tree (which you amazingly don't try to tear up) and lights, the stockings, Santa Claus and all the lights on the houses in the neighborhood. This might become my favorite holiday because of the joy it brings to you.
The best word to describe you right now is J-O-Y! Pure joy.
We love you so much and we absolutely can't wait to spend Christmas with you!